
Some communities have found it helpful to hire a community member who knows the families to help recruit.

  • Identify target audience (could be a grade in school, church group, families served by a specific agency or agencies).
  • Invite 4-6 parents from the target group for a short informational meeting.
  • Show 5 minute promotional video, lead a sample activity, and generate interest in program.
  • Ask these parents to serve as "program shepherds" who will each invite 1-2 families to the program.
  • Ask youth and family-serving agencies to refer families.
  • Groups are scheduled with at least 5-6 families attending. In order to achieve this number, you will want to recruit about 10 families to allow for some that may have conflicts once they have agreed. Activities will NOT work well with less than 5 or 6 youth and if some families have a conflict and you only have 2 or 3 attending, you will not have the same results. It is also uncomfortable for a small number of parents in the discussions.

Additional resources