ISU Extension News

Extension Communications
3614 Administrative Services Building
Ames, Iowa 50011-3614
(515) 294-9915


Elizabeth Kiss, Extension to Families, (515) 294-2731
Mark Jost, Extension Communication Systems, (515) 294-1365

1,000th Money 2000™ Enrollee To Win Bond

AMES, Iowa -- Money 2000™ from Iowa State University Extension is paying off in two ways. First, more than 900 Iowans have enrolled in the first year, with combined savings and debt reduction goals of nearly $4 million. Second, the 1,000th enrollee will win a $100 savings bond -- a nice way to start the new year.

"Giving away a savings bond is another way of demonstrating the importance of saving," said Elizabeth Kiss, Money 2000™ coordinator and ISU Extension financial resource management specialist. "And it's a fun way to celebrate the end of our first year of Money 2000™."

Money 2000™ is designed to help individuals or households increase their savings and/or reduce their debt through the year 2000. Participants set their own goals. Those who enroll receive goal-setting information, a subscription to a quarterly newsletter and information about additional extension resources at no charge. Participants periodically report their progress. The information is confidential.

The savings and reduction effort already is paying benefits for participants.

"One participant said that the ideas and challenges had provided the motivation to get involved in a deferred compensation retirement program," Kiss said. "Others have appreciated having a regular reminder of their goals. In addition, several financial institutions support the program and have teamed up with ISU Extension to promote financial education."

For more information or to sign-up for Money 2000™, contact your county ISU Extension office.


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Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.

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