May 18 Crop and Weather Report

May 20, 2009
ICM News

Iowa State University Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope, and soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen are interviewed during the weekly crop and weather report with Doug Cooper.

Taylor says La Niña will not be a factor during the 2009 growing season and there is a chance that an El Niño could develop. El Niño would take the threat of drought out of the picture, according to Taylor.

Rich Pope reports Extension field specialists are in agreement with the latest USDA Crops and Weather report — 90 percent of Iowa's corn has been planted and nearly half of the soybean crop is in the ground. He recommends farmers scout their fields for weeds and other pests regularly.

Pedersen says despite a few setbacks in planting soybeans - the situation is much improved over one year ago. Indiana, Illinois and Ohio are all well behind in planting both corn and soybean.

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